The consultant was recommended to me, so there was no test and see period. We had a
professional conversation about needs and expectations, and were looking at exactly the
correct level with three days. Once the process was running, I received updates on average
two times per day by both phone and text messages. Each time we looked at properties we
discussed how on track we were, and if we needed to adjust any of the requirements or
readdress the budget. As we closed in on type and cost, the selection narrowed but the care
and attention to detail widened.
– When we found the right property the negotiation with a second agent (and through that
agent with the landlord), was pleasant, cordial and without any issues.
– In the final stages document flowed rapidly between parties, both in email and in person.
– Start to finish the process was 24 days to have payments complete, the keys to the new
place in my possession, the water and electric on, and the garden ancillary folks rehired.